Community Bursary Fund

Making Waldorf education accessible to as many children and families as possible with your support

Community Bursary Fund

Michael Mount Waldorf School is a private, non-profit school which raises income through fees and fundraising to provide a wonderful and full education while remaining financially viable. The school strives to make a Steiner/Waldorf education accessible to as many children and families as possible. Therefore, families with children currently enrolled in Michael Mount Waldorf School, who find themselves unable to meet the required school fees for the year, can apply to the Community Bursary Fund for financial assistance.

Applications for partial or full bursaries for 2025 have now closed, with a submission deadline of 2 September 2024. Please continue to visit the website to find out when applications open for bursaries for the 2026 academic year. Families will be notified by November each year as to the Committee’s decision on awarding the bursary.

Please note

The school has a limited budget for fee assistance. This means that we cannot guarantee awarding a bursary to any particular family, even if they meet our eligibility and financial criteria. A new bursary application must be made for each school year.

The fund aims to support established and committed Waldorf families who are experiencing financial difficulties.

We are confident that a well-managed, constantly replenished reservoir of funds will ensure that well into the future, families continue to benefit from the wonderful advantages of Waldorf education available at Michael Mount.



"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

~ Aesop