Resource Library
A resource library of articles, books, videos and sites to help parents and educators in their quest to raise children who think for themselves.
Michael Mount offers this resource not as prescription, but to engage caregivers in a deeper conversation about the education of our children and young people. It is our hope that you will gain a thorough understanding of the spirit and philosophy that underscores a Waldorf education. We invite your collaboration: if you know of or stumble upon a Steiner / Waldorf-related article or other resource that should be listed here, please let us know.
The content included here has been compiled from a variety of sources and include the work of educators, psychologists, doctors, social scientists, journalists, parents, bloggers and more. All information is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws and remain the property of the individual authors or sources indicated per instance.
Where permission to reprint / re-publish was not obtained, please know that it was not done with any ill-intent, but in a spirit of sharing what we consider useful or thought-provoking information. Should you want copyrighted material to be removed from our site or should you want an acknowledgement of author and/or source to be added, please contact us.
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It is highly beneficial for the child that each developmental stage or transition is mirrored by the content and experiences outlined in the curriculum. The children who feel met, seen, and understood then experience a sense of ‘belonging’ and they are able to move into a space of ‘becoming’, through age-appropriate learning.
At Michael Mount, curriculum topics are taught during an extended Main Lesson for the first two hours of the morning, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks – allowing in-depth exploration of one subject at a time. The Main Lesson ties one topic to as many disciplines as possible.