Congratulations, Class of 2021
A message from your Class Guardians
Dear Matrics,
As you know from our Grade 12 Poetry syllabus, Richard Lovelace said, “Stone Walls do not a Prison make, Nor Iron bars a Cage.” When we discussed this text, we compared Lovelace’s imprisonment to what we have been through over the past eighteen months with the constraints of the pandemic and the restrictions with which we have had to contend. It seems that this text is extremely fitting, because, as you know, he goes on to state that despite the physical restrictions which cage his body, he will never be imprisoned – in the truest sense of the word – if his mind is not chained or bound.
You have embodied these sentiments this year. You have been forced into an unnatural situation, which at times, has been unbearable and yet you have borne it with grace, dignity and very little grumbling. You deserve to be proud of the manner in which you have embraced your Grade 12 year under these difficult circumstances and actually, as your guardians, we have simply had to be there and show our support. These are lessons which you will carry with you into the wider world and we have no doubt that you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. Stay in touch. We will miss you.

Trish Godlonton

Michelle Pinheiro

Trish Godlonton

Michelle Pinheiro
Michael Mount Class of 2021
Matric result highlights
In 2021, 38 candidates wrote the IEB National Senior Certificate, of which 32 achieved a Bachelor’s degree pass (university entrance), 4 obtained a Diploma pass, 1 obtained a Higher Certificate pass, and one did not qualify. There were 35 “outstanding achievements” or distinctions (80 – 100%) and 51 “meritorious achievements” (70 – 79%).
- Emma Brown achieved 7 distinctions: Afrikaans, English, Geography, Life Orientation, Life Science, Mathematics, Physical Science
- Catherine Hopkins achieved 6 distinctions: English (Top 1% of IEB Candidates), Drama, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Visual Art
- Luke Horsman achieved 3 distinctions: Geography, Life Orientation, Mathematical Literacy
- Aran Metcalf-Dunn achieved 3 distinctions: English, Geography, Life Orientation
- Zamokuhle Silinda achieved 3 distinctions: Life Orientation, Mathematical Literacy, isiZulu
- Julian Bester achieved 2 distinctions: Mathematical Literacy, Visual Arts
Students who achieved 1 Distinction — Kgomotso Baepi, Cameron Flint, Lakshana Govender, Julian Holtz, Sam Juncker, Shakira Kempken, Lelethu Mda, Heather Mitchelmore, Connor Roseveare, Shea Walker, Daniel Walton.
Sincere thanks to our teachers, whose commitment and interest in the wellbeing of our students plays a vital part in their success. And thank you to the parents of the Class of 2021 for their continued support, encouragement, and fortitude throughout the year.
Dear parents, Michael Mount offers our students far more than a good matric. Our unique Waldorf curriculum encourages students to excel as unique individuals, so they may go into the world as
“Free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives.”
—Rudolf Steiner
Subsequently, we take this moment not only to celebrate all our students’ academic achievements, but also the well-rounded, confident human beings they have grown into over the course of their schooling.
Congratulations, dear Class of 2021! We wish you all the best as you go forward in life.
Class of 2021

Back row: Ethan Pearman, Josh Jooste, Julian Holtz, Luke Horsman, Emma Brown, Julian Bester, Aman Goshalia-Naran, Quince Hopkins, Guilio Careri, Rowan Holtshausen, Cameron Flint, Siphephiso Masuku, Connor Roseveare
Second row: Shea Walker, Zamokuhle Silinda, Hannah Jorgensen, Lelethu Mda, Lucca Tzellios, Desire Munonyara, Tian Bester, Daniel Walton, Moeketsi Masilo, Zurema Antonio
Front row: Giorgia Lobban, Phatsimo Kashe-Katiya, Mrs Michelle Pinheiro, Kgomotso Baepi, Lakshana Govender, Shakira Kempken, Heather Mitchelmore, Mrs Trish Godlonton, Atang Reid, Keaobaka Lenepa
Seated in front: Mikha’il van den Berg, Christopher Leong, Hrithik Dwarika
Inset: (left to right) Sam Juncker, Molebatsi Matshana, Aran Metcalf-Dunn, Sabrina Muller Massis