In the Southern Hemisphere, the festival of Michaelmas takes place in the heart of Spring. The Earth is awakening from its slumber, releasing an abundance of renewed energy and beauty. Around the school, the smell of jasmine is in the air, fresh green shoots are peeking out, and the gardens are scattered with blossoms. Spring is a season of joy, growth, and light. It is also a time for rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings, where we as human beings can strive to reach own higher intentions and restore balance within our lives.
Michaelmas celebrations traditionally start on 29 September and continue for three weeks thereafter. This festival recognises the figure of Saint Michael (recognised in the Christian, Islam and Jewish traditions) and his battle to tame the dragon. Michael’s fight for goodness and beauty resonates strongly with where we find ourselves at this time of the year. Many of us are feeling unnerved by the onset of the year-end, concerned about the goings-on of the world, and overwhelmed by the unique demands of modern life.
The festival of Michaelmas celebrates Man’s capacity to overcome. In our lives, the dragon is not an external reality, but rather a force capable of destruction that lives within all of humankind. Michael urges us not to slay the dragon within ourselves, for this would continue a cycle of destruction. Rather, we are encouraged to tame our dragon, and thus overcome that which holds us back, and be filled with a renewed sense of consciousness.
Saint Michael is often depicted holding a set of scales in equilibrium. This mirrors the balance between light and darkness that both the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes bring us at the time of this festival. Likewise, Saint Michael provides us with direction and hope as we focus on our inner lives in order to restore balance in our lives. It is important for us to gain a sense of stability within ourselves, to allow new inner resources and will to flourish. This is the time for us to be inspired to have the courage to do good and pursue the light, thereby overcoming the fear and despair pervading our lives. We are presented with an opportunity to welcome a new cycle, a new order, into our daily lives.
Despite the whirlwind of life, may we each take a moment in the next few weeks to truly reflect on this opportunity for individual and community transformation. It is this consciousness in our thinking which brings about change and restores our sense of hope and our courage to conquer the anxiety and fear that often pervades our beings.